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KENYAN ENERGY CABINET SECRETARY MONICA JUMA What surprised us was the intensity and rapidity of the rebound." On study showing CO2 emissions already back near pre-pandemic levels: PIERRE FRIEDLINGSTEIN, CLIMATE MODELLING RESEARCHER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF EXETER "Forcing Indonesia to (reach) zero deforestation in 2030 is clearly inappropriate and unfair." INDONESIAN ENVIRONMENT MINISTER SITI NURBAYA BAKAR "Even as we look to step up efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions – efforts that are still not anywhere strong enough – we must dramatically up our game to adapt."

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UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR INGER ANDERSEN On the contrary it shows the urgency to accelerate the roll out of clean energy solutions and dramatically reduce our reliance on fossil fuels." "The current situation on the energy markets is no reason to pause the coal exit. "We need to have funding to retire coal earlier and to build the new capacity of renewable energy." INDONESIAN FINANCE MINISTER SRI MULYANI INDRAWATI Markets are starting to trend in the right direction, but the transition is not happening fast enough to respond to the urgency of the climate crisis." "Coal is a high-emitting power source at odds with a climate-smart future. "Today I think we can say that the end of coal is in sight."ĬLIMATE INVESTMENT FUNDS CEO MAFALDA DUARTE

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We cannot celebrate before we’ve done the job.” And therefore we are a long way from keeping the 1.5C goal of the Paris Agreement alive. But based on the NDCs (nationally determined contributions) that have been submitted, the world is on a 2.7 degree pathway – a catastrophic pathway. A big step forward, but much more needed!" "New analysis shows that fully achieving all net zero pledges to date & the Global Methane Pledge by those who signed it would limit global warming to 1.8C. INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY CHIEF FATIH BIROL "The impact of the methane pledge is really enormous." On more than 100 countries pledging to cut methane emissions 30% by 2030 from 2020 levels: JULES KORTENHORST, CEO OF RMI, A NON-PROFIT WORKING ON THE GLOBAL ENERGY TRANSITION "With political will, it is possible to put an end to the deforestation of the Amazon in six months." 4:ĪLEXANDRE SARAIVA, A FORMER POLICE CHIEF IN BRAZIL'S AMAZON REGION, urging Europe to crack down on illegal timber imports

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Here are some quotes from participants on Thursday, Nov.

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conference critical to averting the most disastrous effects of climate change, is running for the first two weeks of November.

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